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Release Notes


  • When Debugging is enabled, a log file will be generated next to the CSV report. This log file includes all the logging that would normally be in the Debug Log, but limited to the time period the task was running. If you are running into issues with a task, make sure to turn on Debugging, re-run the task and then attach both the CSV and the log file to a support ticket
  • The report command line command has been renamed to verify
  • You can run the Verify Library task from the WordPress admin by going to Media Cloud -> Task Manager. In the Available Tasks click on Verify Library. When it is done running, a report will be in your WP_CONTENT/mcloud-reports directory
  • Added a Sync Local task that copies down media from cloud storage to your local server. You can run it from the WordPress admin by going to Media Cloud -> Task Manager. In the Available Tasks click on Sync Local.
  • You can also run the Sync Local task from the command line via wp mediacloud syncLocal report-filename.csv
  • Fixed a bug with direct uploads where the cloud storage provider wasn't being saved in the cloud metadata. If you run the Verify Library task, Media Cloud will fix the issue with any existing direct uploads in your library.
  • Added paging to the syncLocal and verify command line commands, ex: wp mediacloud verify verify.csv --limit=100 --page=1
  • Fixed Sync Local, Verify Library and Regenerate Thumbnails to work with Imgix enabled.