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Assets Push Settings

The default operating mode for the Assets feature is Pull mode. If you want to enable Push make sure that the Push CSS Assets and Push Javascript Assets options are enabled.

Push CSS Assets

When this is enabled, theme and WordPress related CSS files will be copied to cloud storage and served from there.

Push Javascript Assets

When this is enabled, theme and WordPress related javascript files will be copied to cloud storage and served from there.

Live Push Processing

When enabled, assets will be uploaded to cloud storage as pages are browsed on your page, but only if they don’t already exist or their version number has changed. Initial uploads have a performance impact, however, most theme and WordPress assets will be uploaded on the first time a handful of pages are browsed. After the assets have been uploaded there is negligible performance impact. You can turn this option off if you are satisfied that all of your assets have been uploaded to cloud storage, but there really isn’t a very compelling reason to disable it.

Cache Control

This sets the browser caching rules for uploaded assets.

Content Expiration

This sets the content expiration for uploaded assets in minutes.